we were down to the last bar of irish spring so i stopped at walgreens to pick up some soap and kind of browse around. i enjoy the occassional browse around walgreens. there's a bit of serendipity to it. gallon tub of orange slices candy? check! picture frame? check! sleep aids? check! shampoo? check! shirt emblazoned with corona beer symbols? check! socks, chapstick, playing cards, hardback children's book? checkity check check checkerooo!!
all day i've had a sort of building sinus congestion - all muzzyheaded and half out of it and breathing through my mouth like a damb special olympian. (oh, just relax and laff.) sneezing and sniffling. at the office, they tore up the molded carpet back in the corner there, and then they did whatever it is they do to get the carpet glue up, so it's pretty dusty. and it's hot outside for what that's worth. and at the soccer field where i was last night they're always mowing or fertilizing or something.

walgreens would be the perfect place to get some zyrtec-d, would it not? why yes it would. unless you have some at home that you can take when you get there and save yourself the 15 bucks but then you can get it because you'll always use it even if you have some but if you have some you don't need it. so i got my irish spring, hairbands, g2 (2 for $3!), and artificial cheese flavour snacking crackers. skip the zyrtec-d. there's some at home.
can you guess the punchline?

we have zyrtec sans "d". gah! we went through every cabinet and bag and drawer, spending more time looking for something that's not here than it would have taken to go back to walgreens. and then, i go back to walgreens. the cashier was like - dude. and i was like - i know, right?
they've moved the "d" behind the counter. you have to sign a DEA waiver. they take your driver license numero, name, addy. you have to promise scout's honor not to make meth with it. like i could make meth. pffthth! i can't even make a cake without a box.
I laffed. Thricely!
my raisin debtor is fulfilled.
Sadly, I got that.
By the bye, today's ( I just accidentally wrote "toady's"!!) offering brought tears.
Then again, I'm STILL laughing over yes! yes! pizza, so maybe I'm just easily amused. Or dimwittish.
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