14 June 2010

selling all lines: auto, life, fire, health

rain, snow, sleet, hail, heat of day, dark of night

north, south, east, west

earth, wind, fire

love, peace, joy, hope

butcher, baker, candlestickmaker

friends, romans, countrymen

football, basketball, baseball, track

red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet

planes, trains, automobiles

reading, writing, arithmetic

uno, dos, tres, quatorze

north america, south america, antarctica, europe, asia, australia, africa

indian, pacific, atlantic, arctic, antarctic

red, yellow, black, white

eggs, milk, bread, coffee

tennessee, georgia, alabama, auburn, mississippi st, ole miss, florida, arkansas, south carolina, vanderbilt, kentucky, lousiana st

freshman, sophomore, junior, senior

rich man, poor man, beggar man, thief, doctor, lawyer, indian chief


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