12 October 2011

pan am

watching the show pan am and it's amazing how relatively recently events took place... i mean, this show is set in 1963. one of the young ladies who is a stewardess was 3 years old when the nazis invaded france. when was that... like... 1943 or something? so, like 20 years previous? she's 23? so young. anyway, from ww2 to kennedy's assassination is just no time at all, at all. and these stewardesses in their gloves and hats, they're so classic, so old school. i wasn't there and i don't know what happened. by the time i came along, things were already changing. i do know how it is on teevee and how they can make things look different than they were - romanticised, glowing, rosy, simple. they were only 20 years from ww2 in 1963. it's been such a long, long time since then.


At 15 October, 2011 08:57, Blogger J Dot said...

The difference between the end of WW2 and my birth is less than that between the end of the Vietnam War and Tallulah's birth. Weird.


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