03 October 2011

drive yourself insane tonight, it's not that far away, and i just filled up your tank earlier today

every day this week butcept friday is drive-yourself day in carpool. it's nothing against my carpool buddy, but i am a fan of driving myself. being in a carpool is panning out to be a much better way to garner drive-yourself days than being in a vanpool ever was. since i first started living in this house and working in the city, i have been ridesharing - either carpooling or vanpooling. it's not even that far - just 20 mins - but gas is dear and sharing saves the environment, not to mention wear & tear on the ol' slingshot. pluswise for the most part the companionship is fairly allright. i mean, that one vanpool was pretty bad and got worse right at the end where they kicked me off for being on crutchers and asking to be dropped off closer than 1/4 mile from my building. missed my chance to sue on the grounds of discrimination against a cripple, based on the ADA, seeing as how our tax dollars subsidized that vanpool. yeah, i missed my chance to make a big old stink. but other than that the ridesharing's been okay, fine, allright, whatever. it's not as fun as driving myself, but it's not that big of a deal.

so, today was drive-yourself day, and i thought i would listen to NPR a while and collect some good stories to share with you, and i turned it on but i didn't tune in (if you know what i mean), and now i couldn't tell you one dadgum thing they said to work or from work, not at all, because i was having so much fun driving myself, i forgot to pay attention.


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