06 October 2011

me so busy

wake up. get out of bed. take a shower. dress. make lunch. eat breakfast. check email. read newspaper. finish breakfast. wash dishes. brush teeth. fix hair. put on shoes. pack gym bag. gather lunch, gym bag, commuter coffee, phone, keys, netbook, wallet, chapstik. put stuff in car and get in car. open garage. drive out. tune radio. drive to work. park car. place sunshade in windshield. exit car. gather belongings from trunk. lock car. walk across parking lot. use access key to enter fitness center. cross locker room to locker. work combination, open lock. place gym bag inside locker. close locker, engage lock. exit locker room. enter stairwell. descend stairs to office area. cross office area to enter assigned cubicle. place knapsack on desk. log into computer system. remove lunch from knapsack, place in mini-fridger. work 4 hours, run, eat lunch, work 4 more hours, gather belongings, exit building, enter car, drive home, the end.

yeah, lost the momentum there a wee little bit.


At 07 October, 2011 07:46, Blogger MissTonay said...

If you woke up and just didn't get out of bed, this blog could have been shortened substantially.

You're welcome.

At 08 October, 2011 15:59, Blogger ace said...

i am struggling to manufacture some snark that would tie together your frequency of blogposting and the number of cats you own.

so far, no luck.

At 08 October, 2011 16:02, Blogger ace said...

oh, and this: today i got up, cooked & ate & cleaned up breakfast, folded & put away laundry, cleaned bathrooms, vacuumed, balanced the checkbook, paid the monthlies, showered, selected clothing & adorned myself with it, got a haircut, got the car warshed, visited target for returns & purchases, visited the mall for purchases, visited whole foods for purchases, returned home, ate lunch, read some of my book, played words with friends, made a cup of tea, and came out on the deck to write a blog entry.

At 10 October, 2011 08:58, Blogger MissTonay said...

"Paid the monthlies."



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