10 October 2011

clacking around in wooden shoes

i wanted to make some sort of statement on the occupy wall street phenom, but the only thing i can come up with is "wtf??" which is sadly unoriginal. seriously, though, wtf? i have seen the occupiers say into televised microphones such things as "if the rich people would share, we could all live in prosperity." or when asked if the 1% offered them a job, would they take it - "no!" in conclusion, wtf?

unless i am gravely mistaken, these protestors aren't the poor, downtrodden masses. these protestors are the bored, overeducated masses. kids with college degrees dumped into a collapsed job market where they cannot find work. or, shall i say, will not find work. because i look around my town, and i see 'help wanted' signs in the windows of retail and restaurant, bank and billiard hall. (okay, not billiard hall. who says billiard hall, anyway? it was allitertive. poetic license. you get the point.) point being - you want a job, you can get a job. c'mon. srsly. you might have to (OMG!) move to another geographical location or (double OMG!) take a job that pays less than you thought you'd make or (treble OMG!) take a job that is outside your chosen field of study.

and in case you don't know how it works, if you want a share of the prosperity pie, all you have to do is purchase one. it's called, interestingly enough, a SHARE and if you purchase shares, you get to share in the profit (or... loss) of the business in which you have a share. you put something in, you get something out. i'd venture to guess many of the college educations being squandered in the gutters of wall street these past five weeks were funded by dividends on the very shares that are the foundation of the system these kids seem so very mitten-brainedly to simply not comprehend at all, at all.

go ahead. tell me i don't understand. i double dog dare you. kindly remember that we are not speaking of the actual disenfranchised here. we are speaking of the occupy wall streeters.


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