is this any way to start a vacation?
my right leg is one inch shorter than my left, and after years of stumping merrily around on this lopsided pair, i came up lame last fall and have been working thru it since. i have been walking miles and miles and miles until this week i finally felt strong enough to try some runnish jogging. sunday nite i had a soccer game, then monday, tuesday, wednesday all three i went for a sort of more runningish type activity than i had been doing for months. yesterday i didn't go because my leg was hurting a wee bit, and today i was back out there for a walk. all that is good, fine, and well. it's the type of thing that's encouraging to folks who are open to encouragement. having traversed many pits and hurdles the past few years, i am not one to feel particularly encouraged. another injury, illness, condition of some sort is waiting right around the corner. enjoy it while it lasts. gather ye rosebuds while ye may. just don't expect it to be around for long. so, right, anyway, whatever, that brings me to my point which is that i am in a state of growing agitation which i attribute to the additional exercise because while scaled up levels of activity would for some people bring a relaxed sense of tiredness, for me the increase in output engenders a state of the fine fidgets.
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