19 August 2011

i'd rather be a hammer than a fried egg.

why do we all live in rectangle houses with triangle tops?

yeah, i generalized. whatever. get over it. i know eskimos live in igloos which are round, and hobbits live in hillsides which clearly do not have triangle tops. apartment houses have swimming pools on their roofs (not triangle), and there's a guy down the road lives in a castle tower turret thingie. but the vast majority of people live in straight up houses with the triangle tops.

how did that design get to be the norm? what fittest test did it survive? most likely to induce mind-numbing boredom.

sometimes you can see a house that's set back from the road, in the trees, just barely peeking through, and it's a box with a tricorn hat. you're back there in the trees - no one is looking - you can have anything you want back there, so why do you have the same old thing? pluswise, who cares if folks are looking?

maybe folks are afraid to be different. maybe creative building is cost-prohibitive. maybe houses are only like this around here, so i have a limited data sample and shouldn't generalize.

i live in a straight up house with a pointy top. why? it was here when we needed it. that's my excuse. what's yours?


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