14 August 2011

just another typical blatherfest slapped together so that i can quickly return to my harry potter readingfest.

i am not one of those figity (fidgity?) people who always has to be doing something. i am perfectly content to sleep, to watch teevee, to read a book. well, for a day at least. i mean, if it were my whole life, sure, i would get bored. maybe. possibly. probably. c'mon, certainly i would get bored. right? but just for a day, i can sit and read a book.

my old man, not so much. he gets all wonky if he doesn't "do something" every day. that "something" doesn't necessarily have to be elaborate. could be as simple as taking the 80-yr-old neighbor to home depot or going to the gym for a while. i guess he's more puritan and i am more... what... irish setter? (setter? get it? cause i like to set around??? HAHAHAHAH!!)

whew. i am all worn out from making that joke.

it's not that i don't like to be productive. i get that it feels good to do something - i just don't have to do something to feel good. i am fine with a day relaxing.

i am also fine with a day spent all on my own.

yesterday was meant to be an alone-day so i had lined up a whole slew of things that i enjoy doing alone and i was looking forward to it. i like to be alone. then, an "opportunity" arose on friday -- an opportunity to spend the day with other people. my old man was all, if it were elvis and priscilla you would drop everything and go do whatever they wanted to do. i was all, yeah sure but i like them. my old man was all, well you're always saying that you don't have friends. i was like, yeah that's not a complaint.

this "opportunity" was presented to me as a "solution" to my "having" to be on my own -- because why would you ever want to be on your own all day? because other people make me fidgity (figity?) that's why.

my being alone is not a situation that needs solving.


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