11 August 2011

bocks cocks docks hocks jocks locks mocks nocks pocks rocks socks tocks

i don't mind going to the grocery store. it's not like it's something i look forward to all week, but it doesn't bother me. sometimes i'll switch things up and go adventure grocerying by which of course i mean, go to a different store. oooo! excitement!

i usually go to this one publix or sometimes this other publix. when i first started going to this other publix, that was a bit of an adventure, but after being there a few times i realized the other publix is just like this one publix, only smaller. they have all the same basic stuff and that's it, so i can only find like 85% of what i am looking for and their produce is terrible. it's an adventure all right - an adventure in frustration!!!

there's a harris teeter along the way on the long way home. i drive past it all the time, so a few months ago i decided to just stop there and get the couple things i was needing. i always thought it would be a little snooty like where the deli would be called the delicatessen or something, but it's actually a bit shabby, and not that sort of down at the heels, used-to-be-snooty sort of shabby, but authentic always-been-shabby shabby. what a disappointment.

tonight i went to the whole foods, and that IS snooty. or, the customers are snooty. i am fairly certain all the folks working cashwrap are high, but they are really sweet and the computer does most of the work anyway. nothing like an angry wasted guy handling your money. not. good. anyway, i had stopped to get grapes, cherries, cereal, and i meant to get some triscuits to bring home and have with my cottage cheese + olives, but i was overwhelmed by the beauty of the prepared foods in the cold box by the salad bar and came home with a veggie quesadilla instead.

in conclusion, kroger is the worst grocery store in town and i wouldn't go there if you paid me. okay, if you paid me, yes, i would go krogering. maybe if you paid me like, $5 or maybe even $4 but nothing less than $4. no. i have thought about it and i am firm on this point: i will not go krogering for less than $4.


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