pair of dimes
as a follow up to this moment of brilliance, i emailed publix and explained what happened. consequently, i received a personal and congenial telephone call from the publix store manager. okay, technically speaking, as i do not make it a habit to speak on telephones, the manager left me a personal and congenial voice mail message. he said to come on in, ask for joe, and get myself some new bags on him. so, today, i went in and asked for joe, and not only did he allow me to get four bags to replace the ones that were given away, he said i should go ahead and get another one - "for all your trouble". see how kind? he did not even say all my trouble (as per usual) was self-induced. AND, not only did he give me four bags, AND not only did he give me five bags -- joe walked around to all the bag displays and shopped for bags with me.
i completed my shopping and was relating to the cashier the story of my former bags, and she was all, "yeah, i can totally get that. i am not very assertive either."
(see also-things you didn't know about yourself)
Hahahah! You made me giggle at you because I knew it and you didn't!!
i am not sure you understand the difference between "assertive" and "aggressive".
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