17 August 2011

chinese music under banyan trees

so the guy sitting behind me is using a typewriter and when i sat down i was all like - hey, a typewriter, that's cool. and he was like - yeah, i can't afford a computer. huh. can't afford a computer because you're spending all your money on those frappawhatsies you're sipping there, buddy. sheesh. he seems to be hitting the same letter over and over again. i am old enough to know what typing sounds like and that ain't it.

this place is crowded tonight. school's back in session, brings out all the homework doers. or, buxwork doers, as the case may be. someone is soaking up the bandwidth, making the internet run slow like molasses. it's either the guy with the ipad watching a movie or the guy with the typewriter's got a connexion to mars and he's streaming a live feed from his brethren into his brain.

yeah, okay, maybe i didn't sufficiently explain he's sort of creepy. i mean, i wouldn't go around making assertions of alien parentage about normal people, but this guy... what are you doing with that typewriter, buddy? typing out a line of b's or something. bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb. yikes.

speaking of yikes, can you see this pic?

kevin federline has had 5 kids? i didn't even know he had a uterus, so... well... wow. just wow.

hey, typing guy has gone to the restroom. well, he went about 10 mins ago. what the hell you doing in there, typing guy? no, wait. i do not want to know. here, i snapped you a shot of his work area. he's really moved in here. there's no telling what he's up to in the restroom.


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