yes, it's pictures again, but you know you love pictures, so hush up.
this is the comic describing my daily existence. if it is too small to see, your homework is to go find the non sequitur from 5-11-2011.
this is my coffee cup. i got it from a vendor at work. it's a nice shape and size, but not really special. when i was last at elvis's house, i meant to steal that one with the stainless steel bottom, but i forgot it. pluswise, it might be priscilla's, so i'd want to be sure she didn't see me taking it.
this coffee cup belongs to my old man. he received it as a gift from the last girl he was with before he was with me and he has been with me for like dozens of years, so this is a really old cup, and you'd think how old it was, they would have been drinking their coffee out of wooden bowls or something, but no, they had cups, and this one is apparently indestructible.
this is the cheese. i like cheese. i am a fan of cheese. go cheese! yay! you rock! why is cheese wrinkly like that? does the manufacturing do that? the packaging? the storage? transport? shelving at retail? what? wha-a-a-at??
this is the strawberry bowl. you can tell because it has strawberries printed ON it AND strawberries contained IN it! straw. berry. BOWL. i think we can all agree it's very important - VERY - IMPORTANT - to use dishes in the way they are intended to be used, which is indicated by what is printed on the outside. so glad we've gotten this straightened out.
this is the eggs. when we do eggs, we usually do 5. 4 is too few, 6 is too many. 5 is ju-u-u-ust right, goldielocks. i like this pic because when i poured in the milk (to make the eggs fluffy) the milk just flowed in really cool between the yolks. seriously. look at it until you appreciate it. do it. do it!
this is the blogger outage. it was a bummer.
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