if i say "fish in a dish" do you think of a beta in a bowl or a salmon on a platter?
so i worked at home today which is a great way bring focus to a project and focus has the obvious upside of increasing productivity but focus has a dark side. when all the pieces don't fall into place, it's a huge letdown. HUGE! H!U!G!E!!
i worked like six hours very productively and then took a smallish break before heading into the home stretch. my thinking was that based on how well the day had gone, the home stretch would be highly rewarding and the day would end in a glorious chorus of joyous angelsong. ** oooo-aaaahhh!!! ** the smallish break was designed to add to the fun, see, by delaying the crowning moment, giving me time to look at its approach, see it headed my way.
well, let's just say it didn't work out that way. couple loose ends won't settle for being wrapped up.
* sigh *
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