05 May 2011

about 350 words is gonna have to hold you for today.

sometimes i wonder who buys that stuff piled in the bins around the starbux counter. then i remember i don't give a shit. it's not my store. i am tasked with neither sales nor inventory. i am free! so the fact that this lady just walked out with a hot drink and a bag of the naturally flavored nature's popcorn au naturale need not worry me a bit. i don't need to concern myself with how the hell you s'posed to know people are gonna buy those things together so's you can keep the shelves stocked appropriately?

i would, however, dearly like to know why does it smell like hot dogs up in here? hot diggity, dog diggity, boom - what you do to me, oscar meyer makes, hot dogs diggity! oscar meyer had some good jingles back in the day. what's mr meyer up to now? oh, i wish i were an oscar meyer weeeeenrrrrrr, that is what i'd truly like to beeeeeeee, cause if i were an oscar meyer weeeeenrrrrrr, everyone would be in love with me! oscar meyer, please check in. we're all wondering where you been. your jingles were so very fine that we would sing them all the time. if we had more funny songs, we'd probably all get along. better.

those girls that just walked by? the one bringing up the rear? she is wearing toms, which is a kind of shoe. i need some toms to go with my chucks. HAHAHAH! that is completely freaking hilarious to two of you. maybe three. definitely two. HAHAHAHAH!! wooo. funny.

this starbux has a drive thru that's positioned for maximal afternoon sun and the side of the store here where i am sitting is all in shade, so these goobers keep charging down the side towards the drive thru and then they swing around into the BLAST OF SUNSHINE! they start doing that "i'm too cool to admit i can't see where the hell i am going" sort of head bob while they blindly claw at the ceiling of their car trying to pull down the visor. yes, the amusement was crushed under the sheer volume of the words there.


At 05 May, 2011 20:45, Blogger J Dot said...

Well, it was funny anyway, if not completely hilarious.


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