04 May 2011

the train don't run by here no more

so right when i am all boo-hoo on account of my leg hurts and i can't run and we lost the soccer game and nobody gets my jokes and the price of gas is rising and i don't want to do the dishes and i just want some me-time... right when i am just a pathetic whinging mess, i find out somebody else had a big ol' steaming bowl of sht for breakfast.

i went to work and learned that five of my coworkers were informed their particular skill sets were no longer needed. thanks for your years of loyal service, and don't let the door hit ya on the way out. the current economic environment is not particularly conducive to finding new jobs. good luck.

i turned on the teevee and learned that the midwest is flooding. part of the remedy is to blow holes in the levees so that the river level will go down. the by product here is that farmland is flooded. on the news, there was a farmer, and grizzled looking tough old farmer, crying. "i never thought i'd see water in my house," he said. wow.

i read sweet baby james's blog and learned a friend of his has committed suicide. he's struggling with the natural yet futile wondering, questioning if he could have done something to prevent it. this friend was quite obviously at the end of what she thought her options were. i mean, who does that? i doubt you go, hmm... wear the blue dress or just call it quits? seriously, you've got to be at the end of all hope. lord help us.


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