it was gonna be something else, but now it is this.
remember one-slot-to-a-customer, a.k.a. ostac? well, the other day, ostac was parked across 2 spots as per usual but luckily there was jeeest enough space for me to squoze my wee tiny little soldier car right in next to ostac. heh. there was incredibly wee little room between the two vehicles, but i was well within my allotted space. heh.
today, when carpooling coworker dropped me off, ostac was waiting beside her vehicle. while i was unlocking my car, this convo ensued:
ostac - «you need to watch where you park. the other day you left me no space to get into my car.»
ace - «oh. did i park outside my slot?»
ostac - «you didn't leave me any room to get into my car.»
ace - «i try to be so careful to park inside the lines. was i parked outside the lines?»
ostac - «you didn't leave me any room to get into my car.»
in conclusion, i had an extensively planned blog for today that included several pix from the ol' iphone. i have emailed all the pix to myself twice and they have not come through. probably somebody parked their email too close to my email and didn't leave my email room to get in. frookers.
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