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i realize it's an uncommon sentiment, but springtime can suck it. freakin screaching birds and bright sunshine. i mean, really. c'mon. you don't like it that much, either, and you know it. you're just caught up in the hooplah. you don't like it that much. you know you don't. admit it. ADMIT IT!
there's just so much pressure with pretty weather - pressure to go outside. and, that's all well and good if you're going outside to play. to run. to read a book. to piquenique. to canoe. hike. sketch. cycle. play a sport. take a photo. warsh the car. trim the hedges. mow the lawn. weed the garden. wait - what? some of these things are not PLAY, they are WORK. see, this is the sneaky thing about pretty weather. it gets you out there and then it turns on you and puts you to work. gah! step off, pretty weather! in the first place, if i am going to work, there's plenty of inside work to do. i don't need to be out in the sun and wind to work. in the second place, it's just the hypocrisy of it all. that pretty weather with it's wiles, luring me outside, lurrring, lurrrrrring, until i give in and go out and BAM - pretty weather puts me to work.
i do like to go outside. to PLAY. one of my favorite outside pasttimes is going for a run. i don't generally volunteer info about my running but if someone asks i might tell them a bit. it is fun to say "i ran 10 miles today" like it's nothing and there is a whole group of folks i mingle with to whom this IS nothing, but to most people it's something. they're impressed with the physical feat, but they're also impressed that i can schedule the time required. see, they think i am doing this thing and also doing all the things they do. it's a common fallacy. we think people are more similar to ourselves than they are. we believe that folks accomplish all the things that we do PLUS the things that they do and we are like, wow! but in reality, we are each simply doing our own things and nobody is doing everything.
"we believe that folks accomplish all the things that we do PLUS the things that they do and we are like, wow! but in reality, we are each simply doing our own things and nobody is doing everything."
This doesn't alleviate my abiding hatred for your daily blogging ability.
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