p90x is described as a muscle confusion system, but why would i pay money to get something that comes so naturally to my muscles?
the tea party movement made a mistake inviting sarah palin to speak at their big convo in nashvegas. palin's a strict conservative with a hardline viewpoint. the tea partiers had previously billed themselves as a movement for moderate fiscal conservatism unaffiliated with either party - not putting forth candidates of their own but rather backing candidates from both parties. having palin deliver the keynote speech portrays the movement as more strictly conservative than it was originally billed. maybe it was always this conservative or maybe it's being comandeered and steered by the desperate GOP - that's not yet clear - but either way the result is disingenuity. the tea party is not what it started as, not what it said it was.
the dems are just as desperate as the GOP. both traditional parties are concerned about the tea party but each has a different reaction - the dems are denigrating the movement and the GOP are trying to absorb it. neither wants it to stick around because both are extremely entrenched and both need each other more than they like to let on to us joe plumbers. politicians prefer to dance exclusively & privately. they don't want us looking and they don't want interlopers horning in. all those cats in DC have been calling way too much attention to themselves lately, and you can see how well that's working out for them. they are retiring right & left.
all political offices should have term limits with rotating election years so as to keep fresh blood in the system at all times. all bills should be limited to five pages (8.5x11, single spaced, 3/4" margins), should have one clear thesis, and any amendments should be clearly, directly related to the thesis. all bills should be posted online at a simple website for a period of no less than 30 days before they will come for a vote. after the vote is complete, each bill should remain posted on the same website with a complete list of who voted which way on the bill. the budget should be balanced and should be devoid of exclusive deals.
the government is the sum of us, the parts, and as such has the potential to be greater than we wee parts. the govt is us, banding together, to provide and establish and ensure things we are incapable of providing and establishing and ensuring alone. it's firemen and roads and milk with a hot lunch. it's library books and parks and a cure for what ails you. it's defense against the dark arts and letters in the mail and trips to the moon.
it's supposed to be a good thing and there's no good reason it cannot be.
THAT's what i thought the tea party was all about. imagine my disappointment.
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