13 February 2010

accoutrements de la yogge

feeling ready to put the 10-miler back in my yogging repertoire, i headed out this morning to test that new asphalt path beside the new piece of road. i am like - «yay my town!» for putting down this running path instead of a concrete sidewalk. i mean, a cinder track would have been suh-weet, but not realistic. turns out the asphalt only extends like 1.37 mile, but it's better than nothing and bodes well for the future of yogging pathways. speaking of the DEVIL - point-37 was my nemesis today. i mean every time i looked at the garmie thinking i'd gone another point-5 it was not point-5 it was point-37. hey - point-37! step OFF!

because i drove to my starting point, i had to lug all my accoutrements de la yogge with me. it would be nice to have something like, say, a piece cloth folded over and sewn up the sides where i could put my stuff in it to make carrying easier. at any rate, here's my pile des accoutrements.

i am now going to tell you what each thing is and how it pertains to my yogge. {i believe i've been fairly clear that if you're bored here in my little world, you can take a hike.}

1. fleece hoodie emblazoned with the name of mini-me's college. something dry to put on after the yogge. although it won't be warm after sitting in the car, it will be dry and soft.
2. nanner flavor protein drink. my new thang is to ingest at least 20g of protein immediately after a run {"new" i of course mean "as of today"}. i recommend this varietal - it's smooth and delishus.
3. mandarin orange green tea flavored water. nothing says "yogging is fun!" like toy water.
4. shades. today it was only somewhat sunny so i almost didn't use the shades, but i was glad i had them because it was windy and my poor li'l eyeballs get so tired in the wind.
5. mittens. much better for warmth than gloves. also handy for carrying the car key without actually holding onto it.
6. ear thing. not exactly a hat, excellent for protecting the ears from the wind while leaving the top of the head uncovered for temperature control.
7. road id. i am a big fan of the road id. you can't see the actual id part in this pic - all you can see is the strap. the id part is a small engraved metal tag. my diddy always said «don't leave the house without identification.» so, i don't.
8. garmin. a yogger's best friend.

so i went out and yogged around for 10 miles, then stretched, then drank my nanner protein drink and my water, then drove home. when i got home and came upstairs, i saw this note on the kitchen counter. yesss!!

{hint: that's not my handwriting.}


At 14 February, 2010 07:30, Blogger J Dot said...

Ok, but how did the ol' yogging go? 10 miles feeling groovy?

At 14 February, 2010 14:25, Blogger ace said...

it was cold, windy, and hilly. in other words - delightful!


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