i forgot my pants.
officelady - [overly cheerful, yet concerned] knock! knock! hey, good morning! can i ast you a question? bossman said i need to make 14 copies of this. do you think i need to make 14 copies of this?
me - [patiently] if bossman said to, then yes.
officelady - [concerned, supposably about needless waste of trees] look how many pages it is.
me - [patiently] yes, i see.
officelady - [concerned] he said they are going to go over this at the meeting.
me - [patience waning, unsure what the point is] okay.
officelady - [concerned] this is not going to fit in those folders. do you think i should get notebooks?
me - [patience gone - pause]
officelady - [randomly changing tracks] oh! do you notice anything different about me?
me - [looking her over] no.
officelady - i forgot my pants! [performing curtsy while holding out leg of pant, clearly on body]
me - [pause - looking at pants which are patently on officelady & realizing they are some type of workout pant]
officelady - [not noticing my silence] i called my son and told him he needed to bring me my pants. i told him - i bring you your basketball shoes and your soccer stuff all the time and now it is your turn. bring me my pants. he said - i don't believe this! hahaha!! [walking away]
me - [not believing this]
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