09 November 2008


the game was going great. we were already up 3-0. i had several nice plays and was really feeling in the rhythm. we - the defense - were moving up the field in support of the offense when something hit me in the back of the calf. like, someone threw a rock at me, and hit me right in the middle of the calf. i turned around to see who was back there throwing freakin' rocks, and there was no one there. uh-oh. i turned around and went down on all fours. i could not walk. something had popped in my calf. that was the feeling - it was on the inside, not the outside. cramp? no, it would not stretch out and there was no knot or cramp. but, i could not take a full step - could not step forward onto my toes. my old man looked it up when i got home, and it's a textbook calf strain. the pop feeling, the not being able to take a step without pain feeling. ::sigh:: ::pout:: stupid calf. moo.


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