04 November 2008

it will all be over tomorry

don't know what was up with the poem from earlier today. haven't quite sorted that out yet. will have to get back w/ you on that one.

the best thing about election day is that it will be over tomorry. one way or the other - one candidate or the other - it will be over, and we can get on with the business of living. for prigzample, soon it will be the holiday season. looking around the beanarium this evening, one might think it is already the holiday season. the tree is up, the banners are up, the stars are hanging from the ceiling. whatevs, beanarium! it's a wee bit early, dontcha think?

hey, gotta go watch beavis take a bath on skype! hey, it's not weird, it's cute, so you can shutzenzie!!


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