11 November 2008


so, here is something i would like to know - if you leave non-alcoholic wine, a.k.a. grape juice, sitting around for long enough, would it ferment & become alcoholic? and, seriously, what is the diff b/t non-alcoholic wine & grape juice? nothing, right?

found this in the news today - "However, the plan amounts to burdening taxpayers with all of AIG's losses while still leaving shareholders and even management with a slice of any upside." why? why? why?

my house is currently zillowing at $300k. wow. just... wow.

there once was a girl named molasses
who could not see without glasses.
she moved really slow -
she was scared, don't ya know,
of falling down flat on her asses!

another question - is the prince of wales the ruler over the size of the stripes in corderoy pants?

in conclusion - claxton fruit cake, in case you forgot what it looked like.


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