31 October 2011

res ipsa loquitur

i saved this for you because it's so neat how when you look at it upside down, it says "less lo". haha! less lo! haha! haha!


yeah, okay. I KNOW. shut up.

look! jam free paper! that's good cause the last thing you want in your copier paper is the jellied fruitstuffs. ew. sticky.

i took this picture in traffic at great risk of life and limb, just to show you how this car is a digital file.

if you don't get it, i cannot help you.

did i show you this one already? did i? well, guess what, here it is again.


how to look slimmer in your jeans...

...for starters, spit out that hallereen candy. SPIT IT OUT, FATTY!

also, your butt will look smaller if you take your hand out of your pocket.


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