23 October 2011

if you want to measure a man's success, don't count his money, count his happiness.

from NPR:

On a recent visit to McDonald's, Christie Coleman, a mother of two boys, was surprised to find that her kids' Happy Meals included fewer french fries and something new: apple slices.

Coleman says her boys are extremely picky eaters, so she was not happy with the change.

"When they do want to eat, they will eat all of their fries, and I don't think that they should get 15 or 20 less fries because McDonald's thinks that they need to eat apples as well," she says.

yo. christie. if you don't like the happy meal, DON'T BUY IT. sheesh. how hard is that? this is a free country. you are free to purchase what you want. mcdonald's is free to sell what it wants. the story goes on to say that christie thinks her choices have been taken away. it's just one semantic from saying christie's rights are being infringed. what the hell have we come to? gah! there is no "right to 35 fries" guaranteed by the constitution. you've got the right to pursue happiness, chris. mcdonald's doesn't make you happy? leave!

believe you me, mcdonald's will notice your leaving much more than they'll notice your complaining.

the market will decide if mcdonald's has made the right choice, and by "right" i mean "profitable". don't fool yourself into thinking mcdonald's cares about our health. HO! HO! HO! mcdonald's cares about profits. mcdonald's cares about paying stockholders. mcdonald's cares about selling stuff people will buy. the only reason they've put apples into happy meals is in hopes of selling more happy meals. if putting arsenic in the burgers would sell more burgers, mcdonald's would be piling in the ol' poison powder.

corporations are not people, and believe you me, the vast majority of the world's population doesn't give a ratsass about you. being as corporations are not even people, don't expect them to have emotive output in your direction. corporations are answerable to stockholders, stockholders want payoffs. it's not more complicated than that, nor should it be.

it's so simple that people just miss it. you don't like something? don't buy it. if enough people don't like it, then it will not be profitable, and it will be discontinued. if enough people buy it, it will remain available. majority rules, see? if people stop buying happy meals because they don't like the apples being in there, then mcdonald's will stop producing happy meals with apples.

see, christie dear, the happy meal is about mcdonald's happiness, not yours.


At 24 October, 2011 16:48, Blogger MissTonay said...

Not to mention that it's "15 to 20 FEWER fries."

I need a drink.

At 24 October, 2011 18:47, Blogger ace said...


At 25 October, 2011 17:57, Blogger J Dot said...

There aren't 15 fries in a happy meal to begin with.


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