27 October 2011

if you want to see the pictures, you can google 'em up for yourselves. feel free to disagree with me, but don't expect me to care if you do.

have you heard about that group at ohio university that's protesting hallereen costumes? they are saying that many costumes are racist. the theme of the protest is "we're a culture, not a costume" and the students have made posters of themselves holding photos of costumes they think are inappropriate.

for instance, a young african american girl is depicted holding a photo of what appears to be a white girl in brown makeup and hip-hop couture (wife beater, golden bling chains, side-slanted trucker cap [which begs the question why are trucker caps hip-hop anyway??]) holding a drink in her one hand, flashing a gang'esque sign with her other hand. in the picture, a boy wearing completely white makeup is either dancing with the brown-slathered white girl or is preparing to bite her neck, but either way, he's very predatory. the captions on the posters are "we're a culture, not a costume" and under that "this is NOT who i am and this is NOT okay".

um... what?

what is the culture she is concerned about here? hip-hop party hos? mud daubed tri-delts? truckers whose caps have been commandeered by a society quite divergent from their own? vampires?

and, if this is NOT "who she is" then what the hell's the problem?

you're a culture, not a costume.
this is a costume, not your culture.

seriously. get over yourselves.


At 28 October, 2011 07:45, Blogger MissTonay said...

Yeah, that's a bit dramatically over-the-top PC.

However, if, say, a pastel-clad man who skipped around with a limp wrist and a lisp and said, "Oh, Mary!" all night became a popular hallereen costume for straight men, I might be annoyed.

Who am I kidding. I'd probably laugh my ass off.

At 28 October, 2011 20:40, Blogger ace said...

what? i don't get it.


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