28 May 2011

pearlie's in the park!

have you ever watched "pearlie"? i am guessing not. it is a cartoon on qubo. the qubo website propounds Qubo is a safe destination for children of all ages and their families. Our programs entertain, celebrate the fun of learning and feature positive role models. Qubo. Good Fun. good fun! positive role models! this particular show features a faerie called pearlie and her group of faerie friends who live in a park and appear to be in charge of upkeep of the park facility. they're a bit flighty (HAHA) but diligent. at the end of each show on qubo, there is a sort of recap of the story highlights and a summary of the moral lesson. the commercials feature mini-lectures on the benefits of eating fruit and reading books and the evils of sharing music or movies online. all the commercials are ".gov" - my tax dollars at work. the actual programming may not be actually produced by the actual government, but if we're purchasing all the commercial time, the it comes down to the same thing. not that there is anything wrong with that, but it's just good to know where the money is going.


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