26 May 2011

thursday's child has far to go.

“Denying yourself a full food group or even one specific food will make it more desirable,” says Sondra Kronberg, M.S., R.D., NEDA spokesperson, and director of the Eating Disorder Treatment Collaborative. “You’ll want it even more because it’s forbidden—and your body will physically crave it if you’re depriving yourself of a given nutrient.”

this is why i purchased poptarts today. i need them!

i also purchased two fruit sauces in a toothpaste-style tubes, a package of cheese extruded into stick format, a box of graham crackers, and a three small cans of (1) lima beans, (2) peas, (3) cut green beans. why, ace - you say - these are foods for a toddler, are you a toddler? to which i would answer - no, but there are toddlers coming to visit me. and you would ask - who? and i would answer - beavis and regina, of course!

no, i did not acquire any of those lucious banana cookies the kids love so much. if i got those cookies all the time, well they wouldn't be special, now would they? no, they would not. pluswise, those kids are just spoiled rotten brats and the last thing they need are lucious cookies.



At 26 May, 2011 22:10, Blogger dmb said...

Feeding toddlers...or your adult daughter...these food items would suffice for either!!

At 26 May, 2011 22:31, Blogger ace said...

well, maybe not the peas, eh?


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