14 December 2010

deadbloggin from the couch

i was trying to liveblog from the bux, but the iphone app is wack and won't save the work in progress if the phone rings. wack! so i lost my work which is actually okay because what i was bloggin was a likely inappropriate analysis of the convo of my neighbors. HAHAH! i am kidding of course - there's no such thing as "inappropriate" when it comes to analyzing other people's convos. that's funny. whew. anyhootle - i can't recreate it now with the same panache, but i thoroughly lambasted these two high school aged boys's lame "when i was in middle school i got all A's" kind of convo. lame!

but, when did jr high school become middle school and sr high school become high school? and, how the hell ancient am i??

did i mention we're painting the house? well, we are. and in the process of having the bedroom painted we moved everything out of our closet and we each moved our closeted belongings into separate rooms, so that now my closet is an entire room. to hell with downsizing!! i am so over downsizing. i am fixing to shut off the entire rear section of the house and create in it a single generously-sized luxury spa rest, relaxation, and recovery chamber. RRR chamber! there will be a room dedicated to containing our shared bed (ooooo sexy!) and then two separate dressing rooms, each with shelving and drawering and padded benches for seating our luxurious buttoxies whilst we lace up our luxurious chuck taylors. oh, and each dressing room will have a sort of wet-bar sink area for tooth brushing, hair fixing, and makeup application. in one former bathroom will be installed a jacuzzi and in the other a glass-walled dual waterfall shower because sharing the shower can be a real time-saver on a busy morning. (what?) of course we'd have to include some sort of toilet solutions, but discussing toilets is crude, so i refuse. (see what i did there??) in conclusion, it will be fabulous. you will more wish you were me than you already wish you were me.


At 15 December, 2010 17:06, Blogger MissTonay said...

Intestines followed by constipation follered by doo doos followed by toilette descriptions.

Don't even think I don't see a pattern here, missy!!

At 16 December, 2010 09:09, Blogger J Dot said...

Did you upgrade your iPhone OS? 'Cause the new OS allows for multi-tasking. Just sayin'.


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