tennessee, vanderbilt, south carolina, georgia, bamalama, auburn, florida, mississippi state, ole miss, louisiana state, kentucky, arkansas
so have you heard about this family in new jersey who have set up an elaborate holiday lights display? their neighbors are complaining that it's a fire hazard but just now the teevee news people showed the display and while viewing it, i detected the real problem: it's butt ugly. clark griswold would say it's too much, ridiculous, overdone. this display is not about the holidays, it's about cramming as many lit and inflatable and mechanical and inflatable lit mechanical decorations as possible into what appeared to be less than a quarter acre of lawn. it's like a competition with the air for ownership of the space above the grass. if your holiday display is so chaotic that looking at it makes people sort of start to shake and sweat and get a bit queasy, well now... that's just not peace-on-earthish.
Hey, this blog brings to mind that classic old Christmas carol, "Jesus Christ, It's Your Birthday Again!"
i have nothing to add here.
i simply wanted you to know that i acknowledge and validate your comment.
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