intestines spelled backward is senitsetni which sounds like some sort of jedi soldier name.
hi! tired of hearing about how we're painting the house? too bad!
so the bathroom i wanted to paint pink and i have since learned that painting a wall pink immediately highlights exactly how large of an expanse of wall that wall is. the pink wall becomes a huge looming internal-organ-coloured beast. it will make you queasy - which i guess one bonus about this particular pink room is that at least you're already in the bathroom feeling queasy so you can just puke if you want. but - a room colour that makes you queasy is not a good choice. we will be repainting [and by 'we' i mean 'those guys'] that room.
i know you will be happy to hear that i am going through my stuff, again, and that i plan to get rid of more of it. in keeping with the internal organ theme, i'd liken cleaning the closets to preparing for a colonoscopy. makes you give some serious thought about putting all that shit back in there.
in other riveting me-news, i am going today to visit my college roommate. one of my roommates, that is. there were three of us, back in the day. but anyway, i am going today to visit roommate-s. [that looks like i don't know how to spell 'roommates'. huh.] anyway, roommate-s has some clothes that belonged to mini-me and were passed to her child and now i am going to collect them for regina. no doubt regina will be thrilled with thrice-worn clothing and her parents will be elated to have more belongings, so that's all good there. after visiting with roommate-s i am going to a party to celebrate the wedding of a soccer mate. two events des socializing in one day. just thinking about it makes me queasy like a pink wall.
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