titulous generica
speedy replacement plan update: i have found someone who will put up with me as a running buddy and who doesn't want to run too far or too fast. the only problem with her is that she is not speedy, but that's not her fault. there is only one speedy, after all. (sigh....)
one of my myriad pet peeves is when people apologize for their blogs being lame because firstly, blogs are lame by definition so saying your blog is lame is just saying your blog is a blog. either you're such a pompass ass you believe everyone will be slavering over your every word or else you're just blathering into the ether, but either way, the premise is lame. if you really have something real to really say, you would write an online column and get some advertisers to pay for space on the sides and make you some money. secondly, if i have come to your blog to read it, and you say your blog is lame, then by extension you are calling me lame for being there and reading it, which i certainly do not appreciate. in conclusion, i have hit a bit of a lame patch here in bareyellaland. i mean, that poem the other day, in case you didn't see it just scroll down there a bit, now that was a bit of unlame, but c'mon... yesterday's post was completely lame and how much lamer do you get than here, today, examining the lameness of yesterday's post. this is the sort of time when some people would take a break from posting, but i am a brave soldier and i will power through the lameosity. stick with me. it will get better. hell, it really can't get any worse, can it?
p.s. hey, i just read over a few days's postings and looks like it's just yesterday and of course today that are lame. my ass is restored to its natural pomposity!
shut up.
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