06 November 2010

now you see it now you dont

although it looks like it now i did not take the day off yesterday i wrote something but decided to remove it so if you saw it well good on ya and if not well you didnt really miss much which is of course the entire reason i took it down that is because it wasnt much now i realize that a lot of these posts could fall into the not too much category but the one from yesterday could well be misconstrued also and until i can think of a better way of writing it and by better i mean more clear then i am not going to put it up here which sounds like a good plan and all that but its really self censorship which i dont like to do because i dont want to be in the position of second guessing my posts or i would probably have like only three posts in the whole blog but the possible misconstruing i mentioned is key here for it wasnt something that would be misconstrued about me but rather about someone else and on the one hand nobody knows who i am and on the other hand of course everyone does because its not that difficult to figure out so i said something yesterday which was supposed to be a jokey diss on me but the way it came out was as if it were a factual statement about someone else in a way that really wasnt fair since it is not a fact about that person whom i of course did not name and probably no one would have ever gotten from it what i inadvertantly put into it so of course i am being ridiculous but that is how i roll.


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