29 October 2010

what is the optimal interval between pedicures?

okay. i'll come clean. i am a believer in trickle down economics. today on the radio they were slamming trickle down on the basis that 10% of the population benefits from the system, and 1% really benefits and .1% really, really benefits. okay. good for them. the fallacy here is thinking that by their benefiting, the rest of us are somehow losing. wrong. when the top benefits, we all benefit. what, you think by causing them to not benefit, there will be more for you? to that i say: ppfahahaha!

they're always skating right past telling you whether or not you will benefit. it's always about taxing the uppers or not taxing the uppers and who qualifies as uppers and how upper the uppers are. it's all about trying to play off your feeling left out, trying to make you feel used.

get a freaking clue.

no matter what the system is, that .1%, 1%, 10% - they are going to benefit. c'mon. you think that somehow there will be a system where everyone will be equal? really? just go read your history and tell me how those everyone-is-equal systems work out. life is not equal. life is not fair. no, trickle down economics is not perfect but guess what? no system is perfect. trickle down works.

caring for the downtrodden. helping the helpless. ensuring that everyone has a say in how their lives go, a chance to pursue their happiness, a tranquil and protected homeland. show me how trickle down is counter to these ideals and more than that, show me a proven alternative that is better at getting us to them.


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