30 October 2010

it's hollereen eve!

i know somebody who is getting married today. no doubt thousands or maybe even millions of people are getting married today, but of all those i know one. yes, one. no, she is not marrying herself, she is marrying someone else, but i don't know him, so see - i only know one person who is getting married today. i'm not going to the wedding for several reason - chief among them, i wasn't invited. even if i had been invited, i have great doubts that i would have gone because the wedding is in another city and i wouldn't have gone to another city for her wedding because i barely know her and barely knowing her is of course why she didn't invite me.

at any rate, it's a great day for a white wedding and a great day to start again, which is why, today, i am going for a run. probably 3 or 4 miles, nothing big. just getting started again, that's all.


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