there's no use crying.
i am convinced that if sandra bullock lived next door to me that we'd be best pals and do stuff together like go for jogs and have our toes done. my certainty that this would be the course of events should sandra live next door to me is strengthened mightily by the fact that she does not live next door, so therefore, what might happened if she did is completely open to invention.
so one of my mates isn't going to play soccer this year, and why? because she was injured last year and the first utterance out of her mouth while she writhed on the ground in pain... "this is why [insert husband's name here] doesn't want me to play" and so because she might get injured, he doesn't want her to play, and so she is not going to play.
okay, firstly i'd like to establish that i am a fan of the concept that compromise makes for a happy coexistence and it is true that sometimes you have to do more than simply meet in the middle - sometimes one of you has to give completely in. but c'mon now. the only way to prevent someone getting injured is to keep them in a plastic bubble and in case you didn't see that movie with john travolta - a movie so aptly called the boy in the plastic bubble - in case you didn't see it, i will cut to the chase and tell you that plastic bubbles aren't all they are cracked up to be. the thing is that anyone could get hurt anytime doing anything. you could slip in a puddle of milk in the dairy section and hit your head and be done with us all, and that's no reason not to visit the dairy section, is it now. i'll admit one is more likely to meet with injury on the football pitch than in the dairy section, but still.
what do you think? imagining now the person who is the correct partner for you, would that person not stop you doing things you enjoy that might be a bit unsafe, or would that person stop you doing things that might be a bit unsafe no matter how much you enjoy them? do you want someone to prioritize your safety over your enjoyment of life? or would your life be more enjoyable if someone prioritized your safety? and, where does your enjoyment of life and endangerment of your personal safety cross over to to endangering your partner's enjoyment? if your pleasure causes another's pain, is that right? is it right for someone to feel put-upon because you want to have a little fun? is it right for you to have a little fun if it makes someone feel put upon? chicken? egg? wha? wha?
I have had this discussion with Zonker, my brain damaged compadre who cracked his skull when falling off a bike last year. He rides bikes still. I don't so much, partly from hanging with his family in the hospital. But that is my hang up and not his or his family's. They know and I know that he would not be the same person if he did not ride. I read a story about a guy who got his foot amputated so he could keep running. Yeah, counterintuitive. Anyway, I would totally do that.
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