27 August 2010

did i mention i've never watched a single episode of the simpsons? ever?

so he comes into my office and goes, "my wife is driving home from west tennessee, and she said she is in BFE. what is that? have you ever heard of BFE?" and i am like, "uh, yeah. i am going to tell you the first word and the last word but i am going to say the middle word." so i was like, "bum.... egypt" and he was like, "oh. so that must be because it is near memphis." and he was serious.

if you don't get why this is bum... hilarious, perhaps give yourself a minute and it will come to you. or, perhaps get a bum.... atlas.

as for me, i used to think that expression was referring to the hobeaux. another bum.... hilarious interpretation.

perusing the urban dictionary, which is entertaining and also mostly NSFW, i found the phrase "battery bank" defined thusly: an extra bill of higher denomination set aside for emergency funds. usually stored under the battery of a cellular phone. and i would like to know how in the hello does that work? how can you store something under the battery? seems that would cut it off from its job of providing power to the fone. i don't get it!

here are some words from urban dictionary. see if you can guess what they mean before you look them up. oh, and another thing about urban dictionary? there are more words for bodily functions than you might have realized. oh, and another thing? most every word in the english language has been commandeered by some guy somewhere to describe some feature of the female anatomy, so while words all still have their real meaning, every time any word is said, there are guys somewhere snickering.

social fruitfly
store d'oeuvres
brodak moment


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