26 August 2010

i say, i say, son....

the point of last night's post was we went to see the chihuly exhibit and so should you. it is stellar. the point of tonight's post is that there really should be rules about that neighbor kid riding his 4-wheeler on a warm summer evening, on a train bound for nowhere, i met up with a gambler, we were both too tired to sleep.

wait. what?

i do not think i have ever been too tired to sleep.

the cicadas in the late summer sound different than the crickets from earlier in the summer. the crickets sound like time to go to brigadoon. the cicadas sound like time for school to start. that kid on his 4-wheeler sounds like time to get the cops out here.

speaking of 4-wheelers, what about that egg recall? not that you really want to know how eggs are mass produced here in the good ol' usa, so let's just skip that part, but on npr today i heard this egg farmer from somewhere in new england and he said the amount of eggs involved in the recall was 1% of the eggs on the market. so, like, a halfbillion eggs are being recalled, so what is a halfbillion 1% of? a freaking shitload, that's what. there are a freaking shitload of eggs on the market at any given time.

so this wright county egg place that's behind most of the salmonella outbreak, this place is a pit, and not just for the chickens. it's a people pit, too. apparently a terrible place to work and the head honcho - jack decoster - is some kind of rascally good ol' boy type whose company has faced charges for things like raping the young immigrant women who work there. yikes! also, the fda has cited various decoster plants for unguarded machinery, electrical hazards, exposure to harmful bacteria, and other unsanitary conditions. yikes again!

just when i was getting brave enough to order my eggs over easy, something like this has to happen.

i bet he rides his 4-wheeler around the neighborhood at dusk.


At 27 August, 2010 12:41, Blogger MissTonay said...

A banty rooster. Heh heh heh.


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