10 May 2010

you hear about lurleen? had her baby down to the injun diner. dots, not feathers, ya know. oh, that rodney lee, he was worried, but it was all good.

and they named her real prettylike. gonna call her venda lou.

in the news headlines today was this - New Safety Rules for US Poultry - and i was intrigued. is there an osha for poultry? posha? oshap? and, what dangers do our nation's chickens face? do they now have to wear little hard hats around the coop in case their fellow chickies are standing on the coop roof wildly heaving seeds? maybe if they are free range chickies and there's a cattle pond in the area, they have to wear floatation devices in case they fall in? maybe it's more about rooster + hen "safety" ifyaknowwhatimean....

in other news, the brits have a hung parliament. i'll let you fill in your own jokes there, b/c really they are all kind of obvious. but, funny. laugh amongst yourself.

in other news, to squash a giant twitter bug - that is, a system bug in the online service twitter, not like a huge arthropod making high-pitched noises - twitter zapped all followers from all accounts. this morning, nobody had any followers. not that i care about that, but i did want to make that arthropod joke.

in other news, tiger woods had to quit last weekend's tourney b/c his neck hurt so bad. ignoring his stressful personal life, look at the stressful physical life - surgery last year on a knee he said was paining him 10 years, a nagging achilles injury, and now a possible bulging disk in his neck. too many workouts for too many years? too many one-more-reps? yeah, it's really rough to be a world-class athlete, but the worst thing is how you people pretend to know how it is for us.


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