if supercalifragilistic-dom was a place, would you want to be there all the time?
so i went for a run today and i was pretty psyched because i knew what i wanted to do and i was going to do it. i wanted to run 10 miles, and through a confluence of circumstances, this turned out to be a good day for that. i blithely disregarded the fact that i've already run a bunch this week and played futbol and it's hot out. nah! all i knew what that it's going to be raining all weekend, and i wasn't carpooling today so i could stay a bit late and make up the time. [although really no one notices or cares if i take a long lunch but i still feel obligated to put in the time, and hey, come to think of it maybe that's why nobody notices if i take a long lunch.] all i knew was what i wanted to do, and i figured that was good enough.
okay, so after about 5.5 i felt completely done physically, but this was an out & back so i had no shortcuts so i sucked it up and pulled some reserves from the recesses of my cerebellum. after about 7 i was done mentally - clearly the reserves were a bit thin - so there was nothing left to fall back on but my soul and my soul said "oh no, this was NOT my idea!" although blatently it was because where else do ideas come from. [heh.]
by the time i completed the circuit my mouth was figuratively glued shut. [insert gratuitous "shut up, ace!" joke here.] i don't think i've been that thirsty since the shaman put me in the car and drove straight on down to shebbavulle and answered my incessant cries for something to slake my thirst with "do you want me to spit in your mouth? cause that is all we have here is my spit. do ya?!". good times. good times.
i could have and should have stopped for water myriad places along the way - the most obvious being the golf course where the golfers were not 10 yds away from me pulling water from a tank into those funny cone-shaped cups and guzzling away. coulda. shoulda. didn't. i am not sure why i didn't but as far as i can remember, i thought if i stopped i wouldn't be able to start again.
and so it was pretty much a complete disastah. i did everything incorrectly - didn't drink enough beforehand, piled too much activity together in the span of 24 hrs, waited a bit too late in the day to get out the door, blah blah blah-dee blah blah blah. the activity was both poorly conceived and poorly executed. it was not fun. it was hot and painful and lonely.
but when i got home today i was already planning my next run and there was a wee tiny part of my poor dehydrated raisin of a brain that thought maybe it would be fun to go out right now. the day has cooled. i have had some water and wee bit of rest and i am feeling better and i am thinking - i will go out right now and do it right this time. the thing about running is that sometimes it is so wonderful, so enjoyable, so freeing, magical, empowering, serendipitous... and occassionally, rarely perhaps, it is so much of all these things that it is like getting all filled with supercalifragilisticness until i think i could possibly bust right open with the pure fabulousness of the entirety of existence.
most of the time i am running around chasing supercalifragilistic-dom. but sometimes? sometimes i am there. and that's what keeps me coming back for more.
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