26 April 2010

brontosaurus stegosaurus tyrannosaurus rex - quadriceps biceps don't forget the pecs

i am down with the lists. i like mine old school - paper & ink lists. i roll my own. i've tried your outlook task scheduler and your iphone itask app and your google calendar. i've tried 'em all, i tell ya, and there ain't nothing like the paper & ink list. my favorite lists are the ones on the college ruled looseleaf or the yellow non-legal-size legal pad sheet -- the big lists that have some chores here and some tasks there and some shopping list stuff over here and maybe a phone number to call circled right there and a box drawn around one part and an arrow from here to there, a connector.

these lists are organic - they grow on the paper. you write down a couple chores, then another chore, then one of the chores is like "fix the sink" and so it has an attached list "buy sink warshers, new wrench, little screenie thing that goes on the faucet" and so that chore + list becomes an errand and you've got to run to the homede-pot, so beside the homede-pot list you put "eggs, pita cheeps, granny smiths" because the publix is right there next to the homede-pot so you bout as well pick up some groceries while you're in the neighborhood. but you don't want your grocery list getting in the way of your chores and your homede-pot list, so you draw a little box around the groceries. then you call your friend jane the plumber just to plumb her pretty little jane brain a bit about the sink before you go about fixing it. she tells you to axe for "herman" at the homede-pot, so you write down "herman" [without the ""] beside your homede-pot list, and you circle that so you won't forget. then you remember you need light bubs and flower bubs so you write those down, too, but there's no room by the homede-pot list, so you write them on another section and you draw a box around them and a line between the homedepot list and the bub list to bind them together. so you pack up the car and head over to the publix / homede-pot shopping center [which also has a starbux so you bring one of those free coffee coupons] and while you are over there at the homede-pot you see a truck in the parking lot with "driveways by looper" and a phone number painted on the side, and you need some driveway work, so you pull out your list and you write down the phone number and "driveway" but you don't have to draw a box around it to separate it because you wrote it upside down in the margin so it's got a sort of natural separation thing there. and then you remember it's your mom's-in-law's birthday in a couple days so you put that on the list - "call mom's-in-law on tuesday" and right there you've crossed right on over to the multi-day list. if there is anything better than the multi-task list, it's the multi-day list which is like a multi-task list on steriods. and now you can fold it gently and put it in the little pocket in your phone case and you can carry it around at least a couple days in all it's glorious listey glory. and you can scratch things off and add things and in about a week you have a work of list art - the list bel grande.

ah. lists rock my world.


At 27 April, 2010 10:08, Blogger miss tonay said...

I'm exhausted after reading this, but I did want to mention that DW and I refer to it as the Home Despot.

At 27 April, 2010 20:25, Blogger ace said...

i am not sure it's clear how we say it from how i portrayed it... perhaps i should have spelled it "homdey-pot".

when they were constructing this homdey-pot near our dwelling, the sign was dyslighted for weeks and read "HomeD pot".

obviously, we thought it was some kind of fondue place. imagine our profound and crippling disappointment.


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