06 May 2010

alpha beta gamma delta epsilon zeta eta theta iota kappa lambda mu nu xi omicron pi rho sigma tau upsilon phi chi psi omega

tonight at futbol i had like the worst game i have had in a very long time. i scored a own-goal, and also had a lovely assist - to the other team. gah! what a complete freak of athletic nature. lucky for me my teammates were not having the wacktard time i was having and we won 9-7. too close for comfort, in my book, seeing as how i could have easily scored a couple more goals FOR THEM. gah! so after the game my mates are all like - good game, ace! and it's formulaic and all that but the way they say it i am like - hey, did they not notice i was playing like complete crap or... wait just a minute here, do they think i always play like that?? because i most certainly do not! or, hey, here's a better one - maybe because i usually play so WELL they didn't notice i had an off game. yeah! that's the one i like. take it to the bank, ace! woowoo!


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