09 July 2009

the stock exchange in britain is called the footsie. yes, it is. look it up!

today in spain a norwegian won the 6th stage of the tour de france. trays inter nashee on nile.

the other night, my old man & i went to a chet atkins tribute finger picking guitar show. it was finger pickin' good! yeah. right. so anywayz - we went to the show and watched all these guys and one doll pick the heck out of their geetars. the bestest was tommy bahama rohma emmanuel, aka tommy emmanuel. [i made that other part up.] the way he played was like he was dancing with the guitar. it wasn't like jumping around all van halen-esque. it was like waltzing and doing the texas 2-step. it really looked like the guitar was moving on its own and he was holding onto it - like it was alive. it was really something to see.

2 of the folks played this instrument - a harp guitar. i had never even seen one before, much less heard one played, so that just goes to show you that there's always something new right around the corner. here's a pic of muriel anderson harpin' & pickin' and she is in fact the doll we saw playing the other night.

the technique appears to be that you get a baseline going on the harp and let that resonate and then you pick the guitar for the melody. sort of like playing bagpipes only not the same at all.

from the world of sports, this headline: "Phelps breaks fly world record at US nationals" which i believe means either that he is the coolest & best looking guy in the world or that he kneecapped a bunch of small insects. i am not sure which it is so i'll do some more investigation on that.

speaking of footsies - this morning i stubbed my right ring-toe on my right crutch. i was trying to not put weight on my left foot as prescribed by the doctor, and i had my hands full so i could not maneuver [sp??] the crutches with my hands, so i was holding them with my pits and then like raising up and sort of flinging the ends gently out a few inches and putting them down again and leaning on them and then scooting my right foot. i know this sounds like a foolproof process, but something went awry. i know! i could not believe it either! and in the awryosity, i stubbed my toe on the crutch. now both feet hurt. waaaa!!

tomorrow i go to the dr and i am actually quite concerned that i was supposed to be wearing this boot 24/7, but when i asked him last time he said it was for impact absorption which i took to mean i don't need to wear it if i am just sitting on the couch and so i have been taking it off on the nights and weekends which is only fair because jeez a boot's gotta live, you know? i mean, it wants to go out and have some fun. what do boots do when they go out? well, the boot scootin' boogey, of course!

hahahaha hahahah!!! aaaaaaaa hahaha hahaha!!! haha hooooo hahahaha! hahaha! ha haaaaaaa haha! haha! hahaha! haha. ha. ha.



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