just in time for tomorry's celabrations
«The metropolitan police department reminds citizens that it is illegal to sell at retail, possess, or use fireworks in the County, with the exception of properly permitted public displays. Police response to neighborhood complaints regarding fireworks violations could result in the issuance of misdemeanor citations and/or the confiscation of fireworks.»
oooo - a misdemeanor! oooo - they will take my fire crackers away! oooo! yeah, i am thinking the risk might be worth the fun.
watching a news story about how the statue of liberty is reopened to tourists after 8 years and the reporter looks just about as soaked with sweat as i remember being when we visited there back in the day. it was one of those family vacations where we visited some city in which mon père had business to conduct. working vacation, as it were. so we climbed to the top of lady liberty and let me tell you, that is a CLIMB. there's like a bagajazillion steps and by a bagajazillion i of course mean 354. average 20º hotter inside than outside. sweet baby james wasn't tall enough to see over the barrier walls around the spiral staircase and it was hot and he was tired and probably a little claustrophobic - so he climbed & whimpered and whimpered & climbed up and up and up. we finally reached our chance at the vaunted view and what a disappointment it was. water. from the crown of liberty lighting the world, you can see water. the best part was the light breeze blowing through the open windows. sweet baby james was not impressed. the constant flow of people pushed us along and soon we were going down the bagajazillion steps. sweat, whimpering, and a long long climb culminating in a disappointing view and unsatisfying breeze. ain't liberty grand?
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