28 June 2009

sunday night supper - where's my tuna & sliced cheese & pickle spear & deviled egg & olive & potato chip?

today's movie: doc hollywood. this one has commershies and one of the commershies was for a special clothes hanger called the "magic hanger". this hanger really gets you organized!! put your clothes on and wahlah!! organized!! it's like... um... magic!! at the end of the commershal, they provided the address to send your money and also this tidbit of information: you must be 18 to order. you cannot imagine what a relief that was to hear -- you must be 18 to order -- b/c heaven knows the last thing we need is organized minors.

text your name and your lover's name to 70777 -- and they will tell you if your lover is cheating. my, that's handy! the things you learn while watching old movies. i tell you what.

here's a headline from the google news feed: «To the risk of obesity and heart attack, the government had added yet another reason to avoid eating lots of fat, especially from meat and dairy products: pancreatic cancer.» why oh why oh why are scientists spending time studying the effects of poor diet? poor diet = bad for you. now, let's move along, my fearless science discoverists - let's study something worthy of your time & most likely my tax dollars. like -- the effects of old movies on promoting bone growth.

[not my ankle but like my ankle but... you know... not]


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