if it weren't for canoes, we'd all have to rollerskate.
my contribution to the world of social networking will be the next big thing in social networking -- drumroll -- antisocial networking. tah-dah!
i do not have all the kinks worked out yet, but it will involve logging on to a site where you have been alloted an allocation of friends and you will unfriend them all. every day you will receive a new batch of friends to unfriend. there will also be groups that you will unjoin and bands for you to unfan. every time you log on, you will have to unfriend & unjoin & unfan everything that has accumulated since your last logon b/c you will be allocated an allocation of these connections every single day. the site will also involve a sort of second-life-esque shopping mall where you can virtually go in your virtual doc martens & virtual black duster coat and virtually observe & stalk other people. there will of course be a merchandise component which will include items for sale such as the aforementioned virtual doc martens which you can purchase with paypal bucks and also handy items such as downloadable plans for b-o-m-b-s. [do not want to type in the actual word b-o-m-b b/c that might set off the proverbial red flags in the googlesphere.]
like i said, i don't have all the kinks worked out yet, but mark my words - the next big thing will be antisocial networking. you read it here first, folks.
Bwahaha!! I can see it now--"stalk your friends!" "unconnect with your buddies!" "throw tomatoes at the band!"
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