24 February 2009

hello. yeah - it's been a while. not much - how 'bout you?

i'm not sure why i called. i guess i really just wanted to talk to you. i was thinking, maybe later on, we could get together for a while. it's been such a long time, and i really do miss your smile.

uh-huh. uh-huh.

today, i ate graham crackers. this has become not so much a treat as an expectation. will have to elevate the diet to another level somehow to reach treat level again. what comes after graham cracker? hrm.

today, i ran 4 miles in 37:14. today, i completed my income taxes & those of mini-me. today, i accomplished probably 13bazillion things at work. today was one of those good, productive, all around fabulous kind of days that makes you wonder what is up in the universe & when is the freakin' other shoe gonna drop & konk ya on the nogginator.

current reading = hood by stephen lordlylawfordshire. clearly, i have forgotten the man's surname. however, the book is intriguing. it is billed as christian fiction, in that it was purchased at an exclusively christian bookstore, and so far, i would say it is relatively run of the mill - good, but not great - midieval fiction. the "christian" elements aren't jumping out at me. i mean, there are priests and nuns and the good friar tuck, but those type of church people are always present in midieval stories. this one is actually a bit bloodier than others i have read. not that christians aren't bloody. i mean, take jesus, for instance - the primo example of bloody christian. that is, if you would call him a christian, which i am not sure you would since that would mean he was a follower of himself. although i am sure he believed what he espoused, i am not sure he was so much a follower as a leader.

in conclusion - it's a good book. not "the" good book, mind you, but "a" good one.

i am going to generate a little b-l-t action now. bacon to the lettuce to the tomato. you want one?


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