05 November 2007

but, why is it news?

the local newscast this morning had a story about a mexican illegal immigrant drug dealer who was shot in his home during a drug deal. now, let me say up front i believe all life is precious - every single living being on this earth has value & is meaningful, if not to others on earth, then to the creator. that being said... one wonders why this story is newsworthy? is this not par for the course for someone living this lifestyle? why is this something we would need to know had happened?

perhaps there is a hidden agenda at the local broadcast station - an agenda that calls for heightening our awareness of violence, creating a culture of fear. perhaps they were trying to emphasize that most of us are not like this man; ergo, we are more safe, creating a culture of laissez-faire. perhaps they report stories about illegal immigrants as part of an agenda for or against immigration reform -- not sure on which side this story would fit. perhaps they had reported early merely the killing in a local neighborhood, and they wanted to fill in the details. perhaps there was no particular thought - perhaps they simply report everything off the police blotter. okay, not buying that last one, really, because there are surely a plethora of blotter stories that are not reported.

what do you think?


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