11 June 2007

from the land of the merry odometer, i bring you 88888.

brigadoon reappears tomorrow. i miss it more having been in the past few years than i missed it lo those many years of not going at all. that's the way of things, isn't it -- you kind of put it out of your mind & get used to not having it, but you get one little taste of it, and bam - you're right back to square one.
my name is ace, and i am a brigadoonaholic.

update: it's down to the 2005 1200 custom or the 2007 883 custom. still weighing the pros & cons of each, and of course, the '05 could get gone before i decide, and the 883 isn't available in the color i wanted... so the choice is kind of all froggie.

removed the toenail from the big toe on my right foot. the pressure of the blud that had built up under it is obviously relieved, but it's a little tender. awww, tender.

okay, just saw this story on the news where this house was burning in a flooded area. earlier this spring, lake okeechobee was on fire.
fire on the water. jeepers.


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